Every year for more years than I care to remember I've done a custom Christmas (excuse me, Holiday -- usually Saturnalia) Card which I send to friends, colleagues, and clients (real or imagined). Often they're topical. Some years they serve as a kind of personal award to the most ludicrous new trend of the year. One year it was the dancing Santas that showed up in every store and swiveled their hips to "Jingle Bell Rock" or some equally wretched computer generated tune.
Another favorite of mine was How The Grunge Stole Boxing Day. Let me start by saying I admire Dr. Seuss's work very much. I also liked Chuck Jones' work on the cartoon. I found it surprisingly easy to lapse into Dr. Seuss' style. Scratchy crow-quill inking comes naturally to me. Doing a Dr. Seuss pastiche made me appreciate and easily recognize the difference between a Seuss Grinch and a Jones Grinch.
But I digress. Happy holidays!